Race For The Cure This Weekend

The Bag Pipes played Taps in tribute to those who lost their fight.
Saturday's rainy weather didn't stop the 9th annual GR Race For The Cure. In fact the race nearly doubled its earnings from last year, raising nearly $350,000. The 5K run/walk raises money for breast cancer research, screening, treatment, and education. All of the proceeds go to the Grand Rapids Susan G. Komen foundation.The race took place at Rivertown Crossings mall and around Grandville High School with nearly 4,500 people participating in the race. Of those runners/walkers 400 were breast cancer survivors.
Picture of the Survivors ~ Mom's in the center
I'm proud to say that with everyone's help, I was able to raise $650!! And my donation web site is open until Nov. 30th and still able to take donations if anyone still wants to send a tax deductable donation ;o) http://www.firstgiving.com/dontbaboob
Sean, Beth, Mom, Me, Julie & Mackenzie
Mackenzie and I walked with my mom, my youngest brother Sean, a Bunco friend Heather, and cousins Beth & Julie.
Mackenzie, Me & Heather
We walked in Celebration of my grandma (Grace Elderkin) and my mom (Karen Baragar/Ryan) who recently has been diagnosed with cancer for the second time. She won the first fight against breast cancer, and now we're putting on the gloves for the next big fight against bone cancer.
Also, Heather and I walked in Celebration of our Bunco friend Kim Koele in her fight and
In Memory Of (another Bunco friend) Heidi's mother Theresa White who lost her fight this past spring.
You are both in our thoughts and prayers and thought of often.

Finally got a chance to check out your update. That is so great that you, MacKenzie, and your mom found something to do together that's meaningful, fun, and raising money for a worthy cause too!
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