Sand, Sun, Skeeters and Skunks!

Well, we are back after a week long trip up north. We went about 1 1/2 - 2 hr. North in the Hart/Pentwater area in the middle of asparagus farm country. No Joke ~ one cottage/house we went past on the lake said it was
The Home of the 2003 Mrs. Asparagus Queen.
This was the cottage of my best client...he let us use his cottage for a week. It's the cute little A-frame in the picture. If you look closely (don't hurt yourself) I'm on one dock to the right with Caleb putting worms on hooks and Mackenzie is on the other dock. If the kids weren't in the water...then we were fishing!

The first night we were visited by beautiful swans. They are so nice to look at but we've been told they are really nasty. As soon as they saw us outside they came to the dock. We were warned about them, so we didn't feed them even though the kids wanted to. As we walked up the steps to the cottage, they started to swim away. So we went back down to the water...well they came back. They were looking for food ~ I guess. We just had to go back up to the cottage and wait until they swam away. By then, the skeeters were out in full force and munchin' on us. We pretty much couldn't stay out when the sun went down. The kids and I are still itching and covering ourselves with itch cream!
Skunks...Well my client told me about a night that he spooked a skunk when he walked out the door at night and got sprayed. After hearing that story...I didn't dare to go out at night to get the towels off the line. I almost forgot about the story until the first night. I was sitting on the fold out couch bed with the kids watching a movie and a nice breeze was coming through the windows. Along with the breeze was...yep...Skunk...Mackenzie asks "Mom, do I smell a skunk?" Thankfully it wasn't that strong but it was there. Then I forgot to tell Matt both of those stories...and when he came up on Wednesday night...Well, we had some grapes that were getting fruit flies. So instead of putting them in the trash he decided to wait until late evening/dusk and walked across the dirt road and threw the grapes into the field. Within about 10 minutes we started smelling skunk. Which is when he told me that he just threw the grapes across the road and now it stinks like skunk. Do ya think it was because of me? Hummmm ~ Ya think?

The Sandyman
Caleb sits still for 5 minutes & I got a picture to prove it!

1st for Everything
Mackenzie's first time tubing ~ and loving it!

The Little Fisherman
Caleb's 10th fish ~ we stopped counting at about 50!

2 for 1
Paddle Boat Ride & Fishing ~ What could be better?

Can we stay forEVER Mom?

Thank You Nana & Papa for the portable DVD Player!
It rained most of the 2nd afternoon & night. Plus every night we watched movies because there were only about 3 TV stations.
What a cruel world! These kids are spoiled!

And A Beautiful End To The Week!
Oh I am envious. This reminds me of the many summers I spent as a kid with my grandparents at their lake house. We did some the same stuff except we would play cards instead of DVDs at night. Glad to see you had a grand time.
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