I've Joined the Club
It's Official ~ I'm a Mini Van Mom!

And I'm loving it!! We actually got it the day before we went up north, which worked out wonderful. It has leather interior and captains chairs. So we are totally spoiled. Caleb kept asking if we could just go somewhere, he liked it so much. We took the bench seat out and just loaded it up with coolers, swim tubes, sleeping bags and all our junk. That was wonderful timing for our trip! I was starting to freak out thinking about how I was going to fit everything in my little Subaru and the kids too.
The kids were so excited the first day we got it, they just wanted to hang out in it. Since Nana & Papa gave them a portable DVD player, the neighbor kids came over and they watched a movie. I don't know how they could stand it ~ it was about 85 degrees out. Those silly kids only made it through about 1/2 of the movie.
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