1st Day of School
Mackenzie, Erica & Caleb at the Bus Stop
Calebs first time on the bus
1st Day of School!!
Well, Tuesday the 5th was the first day of school and Caleb was the happiest kid Ever! As soon as he got home he said
"That was the Best Day EVER! And...I got to ride the bus 2 times! It was my funnest day!" All of that and then this morning we woke up to fog advisories. So, the kids had a 2 hour delay and AM kindergarten was cancelled. So Caleb didn't have school. He thought his sister was kidding and teasing him (like normal) but it was true. He was so totally bummed that he had to stay home. He was stomping his feet and saying "It just isn't fair that Mackenzie Gets to go and I don't". Ya right...I'll remember that in a few years! Update: Another Fog Day on Thursday Too ~ Can you believe it! Poor Caleb, he felt so left out.
I remember after Mackenzie's first day of 1st grade...she came home and wanted to know how much longer she had to keep going to school. We couldn't help but laugh! Out of the mouths of babes!!
Race for the Cure Update
We have reached 86% of our goal!!! We now have $430!! Maybe we should have aimed for a higher goal!! I just had no idea!!
I'm happy to report that our walking group is growing ~ but we welcome anyone that would like to join us!! So far Mackenzie & I will be walking with: My mom ~ Brother Sean ~ Cousins Beth & Julie ~ and Friend Dawn and her 2 daughters.
We decided that we should all wear matching sweatshirts and I have an embroidery design but I/we need help choosing a message to put under the design. So, Please leave me a comment and let me know what you like best!! As you know my site for donations ends with..dontbaboob - so that kind of comes into play ~ here we go:
1) Don't Be A Boob - Race For The Cure
2) Show You Care & Be Aware
3) Champions Of Hope
4) Together We Will Make A Difference

The color in this photo isn't that great! The wings are metallic iridescent white thread and the halo is also metallic thread in gold. The rest of the thread is rayon and the body of the angel is a pale pink. Although, next time I'll use the next darker shade of pink for more of a contrast. The original design was all gold so I seperated all the sections of the design so I could make each part a different color. It took a lot of cutting and pasting but I think it turned out pretty good and looks more cheerful.
Ok guys, give me your votes and let me know what you think!!
Okay, I like them all. That doesn't help, does it? I do agree with Amy, though. #3 is a good one.
Poor Caleb - no school! Let's hope you all have a mild winter.
How does Miss Mack like school this year?
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