Birthday Goodies from Sister Theresa
My sister Theresa knitted me a really cozy pair of socks and a Market bag. The red Market Bag is designed by
Jodie Danenberg and Theresa did a great job! I can't wait to use it at the Farmers Market downtown. I hear the peaches are really great right now. The socks are really nice and the second pair she has made for me. I just love them. Caleb thinks they are really cool too! Thanks a lot sister T!
Then Another Package arrives and much too Pretty to Open!

Pretty Package from Matt & Cara
Well...good thing I did open it!! Matt (my brother) made me a whole slew of glass beads. These pictures don't do justice to the colors and detail on these. I could (and do) sit and look at each one of these for hours and see something new everytime I pull the box out to look at them. The kids want to make all kinds of stuff with them. I just want to hoard them!! They are too cool to let anyone else have any. I want them all to myself. Can you blame me?? Just take a look at the pictures. There's a sage green pendant that I'm going to put on a hemp choker necklace for myself. I'm also teaching Mackenzie and her friend Erica how to do the hemp knot tying and Erica's mom too. Caleb doesn't want to learn but he does want me to make him something with his favorite blue bead that looks like it has candy on it. As long as he doesn't put it in his mouth...I'm ok with that! Thanks again Matt ~ You are Awesome! I wish I had some of your talent and I wish I could watch you blow glass. It looks soo cool ~ I'd really like to see how you do it!! You are the BEST!!
Oh ~ Hope they don't mind me spilling the beans...
Big Congrats to Matt & Cara! They are pregnant for their first child due April 6, 2007! Yeah!! We can't wait!!
Hand Made Glass Beads By Matt Ryan.
Glass Beads on Play Dough for Close-Up
And A Little Sewing ~ Hooded Poncho Towel.
I made Caleb a hooded poncho style towel for the pool or maybe bathtime. He's always getting cold and getting out of the pool to warm up and this thick towel really does the trick. Plus he can run around the yard and the towel won't fall off. Double bonus! Perfect for busy little boys!
In Other Baby News!
I'm a Great Aunt again and sister
Theresa is a grandma for the 3rd & 4th time. Tuesday, August 08, 2006 my niece Katy had twin boys. That makes 4 boys for Katy. Better you than me Katy!!
Here are the details: Daniel was born at 2:50pm, 18" long, 5lbs. 5.9oz., and has dark hair. Luke was born at 2:52pm, 17.25" long, 4lbs., 3.3oz, and has blonde hair.

Proud Grandma Theresa with baby Daniel and big brother Bowen. Luke should be coming home by Wednesday the 16th if he can maintain his temp.
He's been a bit cold. Cool Hand Luke.
Congrats Everyone!!